Amal's blog

Thursday 17 November 2011

R: Anime Phenomenon

Japanimation, or anime, has been introducing itself to western audiences over the past few decades. In the '70s it really began to grow in popularity due to adapted television and movie versions. The anime cultural phenomenon has recently flourishing in many countries with different cultures and shows no signs of slowing down. Anime series and characters have inspired video games industries as well as many entertainment companies launch a 24-hour cable channel devoted to Japanese animation. Even Disney bought the rights to distribute anime films from Studio Ghibli, Japan's most legendary anime studio. The comic-like books and movies have fired up the interest of many children and teens.The popularity of Pokmon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball was representing a new kind of adventures that attracted western culture. 
Since then, anime has changed from children to adults, anime art style, dynamics and concepts have influenced the market. Because of its rapidly growing cultural influence specially among youth,it has fans that are spreading the new culture and wider the fan-bases globally through the internet. This great phenomenon is continually growing and  thriving through the years to represent beautiful pieces of artwork and display great talents and abilities.  
It is important that those interested in the lives of youth to be aware of what anime influences made in their lifestyle. The next entries will cover some collected notes and views on this topic, also, I'll explain why is this important for my work project and my academic research. 


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