Computer-literate, reliable, organized, self-confident, practical, self-motivated, thoughtful, work well with others, positive, methodical, independent worker, logical, imaginative, hardworking, friendly, adaptable, co-operative, competent and patient.
• Self-employed in Weekends: Private classes teaching Arabic language.
• Self-employed in summer holidays: Work with my friend’s studio as:
- A Photographer & image editor/manipulator.
- Advertiser & Graphic Designer
- Creative Videographer for special events: weddings, birthday’s celebrations.
• 2003-2005 I worked in Reignsoft Ltd Freelance Broadcast station (part time) as:
- Web Designer
- Online Advertiser
- Video/Sound Editor – Post Production - Credits
• April 2009 I worked in Abu Dhabi Media Company for The National Newspaper as:
- A multimedia producer
- Reporter
- Translator (Arabic to English).
• D&AD student 2009 Awards.
• YCN competitions.
• London Design Exhibition in the Old Free Range -Truman Brewery.
- Middlesex University: BA(Hons) Work Based Learning (WBL)Professional Practice : Digital Media & Multimedia Design (2009 – Present)
- Middlesex University & Barnet College (School of Art): FdA Graphics & Multimedia Design (2007-2009)
- Barnet College: GCE Applied ICT Double Award (2005-2007)
- John Kelly Technology College: (2003-2005): Math’s GCSE, ICT GCSE, Arabic 'A' Level, Technology GCSE, English GCSE, Arabic GCSE
- Other: Summer courses in Photoshop, Astronomy and HTML.
- Web Design Development & promotion.
- Graphic and Multimedia Design.
- Software: Adobe Creative master collections, CorelDraw, Swish, Sony Vegas, Sony Sound Forge, Microsoft Office, iStopMotion, Final Cut & Aperture.
- Platforms: comfortable working in both Mac OS and Windows environments with good user/technical skills.
Cards Design, Postcards, Posters, TV stings/idents, logos, animated banners, 2D animation, post production, Graphic Motion, Stop Motion, Typography, photography, Crafting, Layout/Press design (Magazines, books covers, newspapers, newsletters), image manipulation, storyboarding, graphical illustrating, printing skills, business stationary, experienced with digital cameras, Super8 cameras, podcasting, web design (HTML, XHTML, XML, PhP, JavaScript and CSS), programming (Visual Basic), formatting computer & installment new Hardware/Software and security programs.
Contact :
Email: amaal.fm@gmail.com
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